Uhh, Don't You Have Better Things To Do Than Stare At An Empty Document?

Time is your most valuable resource. Don't waste it. You're an expert in your industry, but you're no Jane Austen. (For clarity's sake: I'm no Jane Austen, either. I'm actually Sam Hindman!) 

You need LinkedIn content? I'm your girl. You want more organic traffic on Google? I'm on the case. You want to stop worrying about your next email newsletter? Today's your lucky day.

Let a writer handle your writing, so you can get back to doing.

"What Does This Girl Do, Exactly?"

Services I Provide:

- SEO-Optimized Articles / Blogs

- LinkedIn Ghostwriting Services

- Landing Page Copy

- Email Marketing

- Consultation Services

Why You Need Them:

You Are: An Entrepreneur, Specialist, or otherwise "Professional Person"

You Aren't: Someone with a lot of time of their hands. 

You Are: Looking to increase organic traffic and potential leads to your website, blog, or social media platforms. 

You Aren't: In a position where you can handle this problem on your own.

Get Started By Filling Out My Simple Inquiry Form.

If it takes more than two minutes, I owe you a soda.

Keep It Simple, Solopreneur.

You started your business so you could have more free time, didn't you?

But, one thing leads to another, and now you find yourself right back in the traps that you were trying to run away from.

Random tasks piling up, stupid problems you can't solve.

I'm here to remind you the age old rule:

Keep it simple.

Subscribe to this list for bi-weekly conversations about how to solve specific obstacles that solopreneurs face.

Not random tips, but actionable advice.

Take back your time.

Remember why you chose this path in the first place.

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    What kinds of businesses and niches do you create content for?

    If there's a word to describe my expertise, it would be versatile.

    I specialize in crafting personalized, high-quality content tailored to the unique needs of solopreneurs who don’t have the time to manage their own content writing. With a deep understanding and adaptability across various industries and niches, I ensure that your brand’s voice and goals are seamlessly reflected in every piece of content.

    Whether you're in tech, healthcare, fashion, finance, or any other sector, I create content that resonates with your specific audience. 

    My approach involves thorough research and a keen understanding of your target market, ensuring that every piece is strategically tailored to support your business objectives and engage your audience effectively.

    Why hire me instead of a content marketing agency?

    Aside from my winning personality, there are a lot of practical reasons why freelance marketing is a better option than going with a large agency.

    For starters, a lot of agencies have a content funnel that is insanely reduced, reused, and recycled. They might have a "winning strategy" for you, but they've become so systematic that there isn't any genuine thought or creativity being put into their clients on an individualized basis. The very same strategy you're being fed is coming off of a sheet that they dust off and reiterate every time they get a new client. Naturally, I can't speak for every agency (many have stellar reputations for good reason), but who I can speak for is myself.

    I will give you my undivided attention, precision, and ideas. To me, you aren't a cog in my business system. You are a human being who has a need that I can fulfill. My work doesn't just bring me income- it brings me pride. What I produce is a reflection of not only who you and your business are, but who I am, too. 

    Another reason I might be a better choice is my transparent pricing. From day one, you'll know exactly what the payout looks like. There aren't any hidden fees lurking around the corner, and there isn't an entire bureaucratic system in place to make your life harder.

    Basically, if you follow the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) lifestyle, we'll get along swimmingly.

    How is your pricing structured?

    My pricing is determined by the services you're interested in and is contingent entirely on the kind of package you'd like to receive. I am not a fan of beating around the bush, so transparency is my highest priority in pricing. 

    If you'd like to learn about the pricing of specific services and packages, go ahead and check out my services page, which will let you know all you need!

    If you have a one-off project that doesn't fit the criteria listed on my services page, don't worry. I am more than willing to work with you on a completely free one-on-one strategy call (or through email, if you're shy) to tailor your project to your specific needs.

    For the sake of that transparency I've mentioned earlier, I need to note this: I require a 50% deposit on all services. This will be clearly outlined in your contract, but there's no harm in getting that band-aid off early, huh? This is standard practice intended to ween out clients who aren't serious about my freelance content marketing services.

    What is the benefit of opting for a Gen Z freelance content marketing professional?

    Let's put it this way.

    A dentist and a cardiologist are both doctors, right? But you don't want your dentist messing around in your chest cavity, and you don't want a cardiologist putting fillings in your tooth cavities.

    Everyone has their own area of expertise. I've had a phone (or back then, an iPod touch) in my hand since I could walk. There's never been a time in my twenty-one years that the internet space hasn't been a part of my world. If there's anyone who understands the ins and outs of social media and web content intimately, it's a Gen Z content marketer. 

    Some people consider working with youth to be a risk. Personally? I think being outdated is riskier. 

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